API Documentation for Painter

NoPoDoFo Painter

class Painter {
  new(doc: Base): Painter

  tabWidth: number
  readonly canvas: Stream
  font?: Font
  precision: number

  setPage(page: Page | XObject): void
  setColor(rgb: NPDFrgb): void
  setStrokeWidth(w: number): void
  setGrey(v: number): void
  setStrokingGrey(v: number): void
  setColorCMYK(cmyk: NPDFcmyk): void
  setStrokingColorCMYK(cmyk: NPDFcmyk): void
  setStrokeStyle(style: NPDFStokeStyle): void
  setLineCapStyle(style: NPDFLineCapStyle): void
  setLineJoinStyle(style: NPDFLineJoinStyle): void
  setClipRect(rect: Rect): void
  setMiterLimit(v: number): void
  rectangle(rect: Rect): void
  ellipse(points: NPDFPoint & { width: number, height: number }): void
  circle(points: NPDFPoint & { radius: number }): void
  closePath(): void
  lineTo(point: NPDFPoint): void
  moveTo(point: NPDFPoint): void
  cubicBezierTo(p1: NPDFPoint, p2: NPDFPoint, p3: NPDFPoint): void
  horizontalLineTo(v: number): void
  verticalLineTo(v: number): void
  smoothCurveTo(p1: NPDFPoint, p2: NPDFPoint): void
  quadCurveTo(p1: NPDFPoint, p2: NPDFPoint): void
  arcTo(p1: NPDFPoint, p2: NPDFPoint, rotation: number, large?: boolean, sweep?: boolean): void
  close(): void
  stroke(): void
  fill(): void
  strokeAndFill(): void
  endPath(): void
  clip(): void
  save(): void
  restore(): void
  setExtGState(state: ExtGState): void
  getCurrentPath(): string
  drawLine(p1: NPDFPoint, p2: NPDFPoint): void
  drawText(point: NPDFPoint, text: string): void
  drawTextAligned(point: NPDFPoint & { width: number }, text: string, alignment: NPDFAlignment): void
  drawMultiLineText(rect: Rect, value: string, alignment?: NPDFAlignment, vertical?: NPDFVerticalAlignment): void
  getMultiLineText(width: number, text: string, skipSpaces?: boolean): Array
  bt(point: NPDFPoint): void
  et(): void
  addText(text: string): void
  moveTextPosition(point: NPDFPoint): void
  drawGlyph(point: NPDFPoint, glyph: string): void
  finishPage(): void

  drawImage(img: Image, x: number, y: number, opts?: { width?: number, height?: number, scaleX?: number, scaleY?: number }): void



new(doc: Base): Painter

Construct a new Painter object. To begin using the painter you must first set the page which the painter will apply painting/drawing operation on.



Set the tab width for the DrawText operation. Every tab '\t' is replaced with nTabWidth spaces before drawing text. Default is a value of 4


Readonly property, get the page's canvas which the painter is to draw on.


Get and set the Font the painter will use to draw text.


Get and set the floating point precision for drawing operations.



setPage(page: Page | XObject): void

Set the a Page or XObject which the painter will draw on, paint/draw operations are applied to the contents Object. FinishPage must be called to finalize any draw operations applied to the page/xobject.


setColor(rgb: NPDFrgb): void

Set the color as NPDFrgb to be used in all non-stroking operations, this color is also used for text drawn to the page.


setStrokeWidth(w: number): void

Set the line width of stroking operations.


setGrey(v: number): void

Set grayscale color value, this must be between 0 and 1.


setStrokingGrey(v: number): void

Set the color for all following stroking operations in grayscale colorspace. This operation used the 'G' PDF operator.


setColorCMYK(cmyk: NPDFcmyk): void

Set the NPDFcmyk color value


setStrokingColorCMYK(cmyk: NPDFcmyk): void

Set stroking color NPDFcmyk value.


setStrokeStyle(style: NPDFStokeStyle): void

Set the stoke style as one of NPDFStrokeStyle.


setLineCapStyle(style: NPDFLineCapStyle): void

Set the line cap style as one of NPDFLineCapStyle for stroking operations.


setLineJoinStyle(style: NPDFLineJoinStyle): void

Set the line join style as one of NPDFLineJoinStyle for stroking operations.


setClipRect(rect: Rect): void

Set the graphic clipping rect.


setMiterLimit(v: number): void

Set the miter limit for stroking operations.


rectangle(rect: Rect): void

Add a rectangle to te current path.


ellipse(points: NPDFPoint & { width: number, height: number }): void

Add an ellipse to the current path.


circle(points: NPDFPoint & { radius: number }): void

Add a circle to the current path.


closePath(): void

Close the current path.


lineTo(point: NPDFPoint): void

Append a line segement to the current path.


moveTo(point: NPDFPoint): void

Begin a new path.


cubicBezierTo(p1: NPDFPoint, p2: NPDFPoint, p3: NPDFPoint): void

Append a cubic bezier to the current path


horizontalLineTo(v: number): void

Append a horizontal line to the current path


verticalLineTo(v: number): void

Append a vertical line to the current path


smoothCurveTo(p1: NPDFPoint, p2: NPDFPoint): void

Append a smooth curve to the current path


quadCurveTo(p1: NPDFPoint, p2: NPDFPoint): void

Append a quad curve to the current path


arcTo(p1: NPDFPoint, p2: NPDFPoint, rotation: number, large?: boolean, sweep?: boolean): void

Append an arc to the current path


close(): void

Close the current path


stroke(): void

Stroke the current path.


fill(): void

Fill the current path


strokeAndFill(): void

Stroke and fill the current path.


endPath(): void

End the current path without filling or stroking.


clip(): void

Clip the current path.


save(): void

Save the current graphics settings onto the graphics stack.


restore(): void

Restore graphics settings from the graphics stack.


setExtGState(state: ExtGState): void

Set active ExtGState object.


getCurrentPath(): string

Get the current path as a string


drawLine(p1: NPDFPoint, p2: NPDFPoint): void

Draw a line from NPDFPoint p1 to NPDFPoint p2


drawText(point: NPDFPoint, text: string): void

Draw text at the coordinates defined by the NPDFPoint


drawTextAligned(point: NPDFPoint & { width: number }, text: string, alignment: NPDFAlignment): void

Draw text at the coordinates NPDFPoint, align text as one of NPDFAlignment. Alignment is measured by the width of the container, as such width is required.


drawMultiLineText(rect: Rect, value: string, alignment?: NPDFAlignment, vertical?: NPDFVerticalAlignment): void

Draw multiline text segment. Text is aligned vertically as one of NPDFVerticalAlignment and horizontally as one of NPDFAlignment within the Rect provided.


getMultiLineText(width: number, text: string, skipSpaces?: boolean): Array

Get multiline text


bt(point: NPDFPoint): void

Begin text. The recommended method for adding simple text is drawText, drawMultiLineText, drawTextAligned.


et(): void

End text. The recommended method for adding simple text is drawText, drawMultiLineText, drawTextAligned.


addText(text: string): void

Add text. The recommended method for adding simple text is drawText, drawMultiLineText, drawTextAligned.


moveTextPosition(point: NPDFPoint): void

Move position for text drawing, begin text bt must be called first. This method should only be used for advanced text positioning. The recommended method for adding simple text is drawText, drawMultiLineText, drawTextAligned.


drawGlyph(point: NPDFPoint, glyph: string): void

Draw a single glyph on a page using the set Font


finishPage(): void

Finish drawing on the page. This has to be called whenever drawing operations on the page are complete.


drawImage(img: Image, x: number, y: number, opts?: { width?: number, height?: number, scaleX?: number, scaleY?: number }): void

Draw an image to the current path, img is an instance of Image, x and y are the coordinates of the pdf page in pdf points. The options object accepts either a scaling factor or width and height values. If both are provided the width and height will be used. All values are in PDF points.

opts provides two forms of image sizing properties: scaleX and scaleY or width and height. The latter (width and height) are simply helpers for calculating the scaling factor. To determine the correct scaling factor for a given width and height we only need divide the desired width/height by the images width/height to get the correct scaling factor. Again, this is done for you if you pass width, height in the options object.

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