API Documentation for Destination

NoPoDoFo Destination

A destination can be either a Page or an Action.

class Destination {
  new(page: Page, fit: NPDFDestinationFit): Destination
  new(page: Page, fit: NPDFDestinationFit, fitArg: number): Destination
  new(page: Page, left: number, top: number, zoom: number): Destination
  readonly page: Page
  readonly type: NPDFDestinationType


Create a new destination. The destination is to the Page with a fit mode as NPDFDestinationFit.

new(page: Page, fit: NPDFDestinationFit): Destination

Create a new destination. The destination is to the Page with a fit mode as NPDFDestinationFit and fit args.

new(page: Page, fit: NPDFDestinationFit, fitArg: number): Destination

Create a new destination. The destination is to the Page with specific left and top coordinates and a zoom factor.

new(page: Page, left: number, top: number, zoom: number): Destination



The page which is the destination.


NPDFDestinationType; the type of destination.


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