API Documentation for ComboBox

NoPoDoFo ComboBox

class ComboBox extends ListField {
  new(page: Page, fieldIndex: number): ComboBox
  new(form: Form, annotation: Annotation): ComboBox

  editable: boolean


Create a ComboBox from an existing object. The ComboBox Annotation must already exist in the Page's Annotations Dictionary. This constructor will create the instance given the index of the Annotation in the Page's Annotations Dictionary. If the index value is less than zero or greater than the length of the Page's Annotations Dictionary (see annotationsCount) a Range Error will be thrown.

new(page: Page, fieldIndex: number): ComboBox

Create a new ComboBox from the Annotation and owned by the Form. The Annotation must be a Widget type annotation.

new(form: Form, annotation: Annotation): ComboBox



Toggle combobox editable, default false


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    No results matching ""