API Documentation for Dictionary

NoPoDoFo Dictionary

A Dictionary is one of the primary building blocks of a PDF. The PDF dictionary type data structure is similar to a nodejs object data structure in that it is simply a collection of key value pairs.

class Dictionary {
  dirty: boolean
  immutable: boolean
  readonly obj: nopodofo.Object

  new(): Dictionary

  getKey<T>(k: string, resolveType?: boolean): T
  getKeyType(k:string): NPDFDataType
  addKey(prop: NPDFName|string, value: boolean | number | string | nopodofo.Object | nopodofo.Dictionary | nopodofo.Ref): void
  getKeys(): string[]
  hasKey(k: string): boolean
  removeKey(k: string): void
  getKeyAs(k: string, t: NPDFDictionaryKeyType): string | number
  clear(): void
  write(destination: string, cb: (e: Error, i: string) => void): void
  writeSync(destination: string): void
  asObject(): Object


A public constructor is available for instantiating a new empty dictionary. This dictionary does not belong to any document, and therefore must be explicitly added to the document for it to take effect. An example of this can be seen in the AP Cookbook.

new(): Dictionary



This flag is internally by PoDoFo, dirty is set to true if there has been a modification after construction.


This property will get or set a corresponding property on the PoDoFo PdfDictionary. When set to true no keys can be edited or changed.


Readonly property accessor. Get the dictionary Object



getKeyType(k:string): NPDFDataType

Get the NPDFDataType of the value of the k key.


getKey<T>(k: string, resolveType?: boolean): T

Get the value of the k key. Value is returned as T or Ref. It is good practice to check the type; getKeyType of the object before casting a value to T. NoPoDoFo will always try to resolve Ref types to their corresponding Object or T type, but when the object can not be resolved a Ref to the object is returned. This Ref object can be passed to Document.getObject to resolve the reference.


addKey(prop: NPDFName|string, value: boolean | number | string | nopodofo.Object | nopodofo.Dictionary | nopodofo.Ref): void

Add a new entry to the dictionary, with an NPDFName k and a value. If the value is an Object the object's reference will be stored instead, for primitive data types a new PoDoFo PdfVariant will be created with the value provided.


getKeys(): string[]

Get all the keys in the dictionary.


hasKey(k: string): boolean

Check if a key exists in the dictionary. Check is not recursive, if you are trying to check a nested dictionary you will need to call this method at each level.


removeKey(k: string): void

Remove an entry from the dictionary.


getKeyAs(k: string, t: NPDFDictionaryKeyType): string | number

Get the value of the k key out of the dictionary as one of NPDFCoerceKeyType types. If the value can not be cast as the type defined an error will be thrown.


clear(): void

Remove all keys from the dictionary.


write(destination: string, cb: (e: Error, i: string) => void): void

Writes the dictionary to disk. Can be useful for debugging.


writeSync(destination: string): void

Writes the dictionary to disk as a blocking operation. Can be useful for debugging.


asObject(): Object

Convert the PDF Dictionary into a javascript object. This is a readonly object in context, the resulting object will not persist any changes back to the original PDF Dictionary. The use of the method is best for simply viewing the contents of a dictionary in a familiar environment(Javascript).

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